Monday, May 12, 2008

Father and Son Campout

The annual father and sons campout here in Las Vegas. Lilly even got to go.

Ollie caught sneezing. Austin, Ollie and Luke standing by a water tower.
Ollie, Austin and Luke enjoying the camping life.
Austin caught the biggest frog and wanted to bring it home but Nate knew mommy would have a fit, so he told Austin that the frog can't live in Las Vegas because it is too hot--even though they were only 45 minutes from here. :) Nate knows me well. The kids all had a blast and Katy and I had a night and morning off from kid duty. We are assigning the dads to take the kids on a monthly campout. Eveyone will enjoy it.


Emily A. Gunderson said...

Please take my boys with you next time!

Britney and Jaren Jensen said...

CUTE Pictures Sherry & Katy! Oh and I would expect none other than our Austin to be the one catching some sort of creature, not to mention the BIGGEST frog. Way to go!